Kukami Matsuri


September 16 (Sat) November 12 (Sun), 2023
2023年9月16日 (土)
11月12日 (日)

Dorogawa Hot Spring Village (Dorogawa, Tenkawa Village, Yoshino, Nara Prefecture)
洞川温泉郷 (奈良県吉野郡天川村洞川)

Festival Co-Organizer/Curator

UENO Senzo, KYOTANI Tomoaki, KAKU Wakako, MASHITANI Hideki, NAKAYAMA Satomi, KANEKO Miya, ONISHI Samio, Masako, &Sasuke, MATSUTANI Midoro & Mitsuhisa, KIKURA Mitsunori, ONISHI Ayako, KUNIMOTO Yasuhide, ONODA Asa, SUGANO Maiko, AKAI Masato, HAYASHI Takatsune, OKADA Etsuo, YAMADA Haruka, YAMAZAKI Chisato
上野千蔵, 京谷友明, 覚 和歌子, 増谷英樹, 中山聡美, 金子未弥, 大西佐美雄, 大西正子, さすけ, 松谷美登里, 松谷光尚, 木村充伯, 大西文子, 国本泰英, 小野田阿紗, 菅野麻依子, 赤井正人, 林敬庸, 岡田悦雄, 山田悠, 山﨑千里

Community Engaged Art, Storytelling, Cultural Legacy, 文化遺産, 観光促進, 口伝, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Community Design, コミュニティデザイン, Shugendō, 修験道, Tanikawa Shuntaro, 谷川俊太郎, Collaboration, 協働, Oral History, オーラルヒストリー



Kukami Matsuri (Nine Oni Festival) was a community-based art festival built upon the original story "The Tale of the Nine Oni (Ogres)." In collaboration with Kaku Wakako, one of the artists and a poet/lyricist, we created the story's plot drawing inspiration from Dorogawa's oral history, which suggests that Dorogawa natives are still believed to be the descendants of Goki, as this belief has been passed down through generations.

While maintaining a focus on relationship-building, the festivity was organized by 9 artists who also developed projects in collaboration with Dorogawa's residents. Notably, world-renowned poet TANIKAWA Shuntaro contributed by writing an original poem for each artist, providing a common ground to initiate conversations among the creative partners. Furthermore, the artworks created during this event, with the consent of the creative partners, remained in Dorogawa even after the festival's conclusion. 

Our goals were to establish a new tradition based on our experiences and interpretations of the area's history and folklore, to preserve Dorogawa's cultural heritage, and to stimulate tourism in the area.

  • About Dorogawa, a home of Goki
    Dorogawa (洞川), with a small population of approximately 500 residents, located in the southeastern part of Nara Prefecture's Okuyamato area, is known as a remote region spreading at the foot of Mount Ōmine. In the latter half of the 7th century, Enno Gyōja, a mountain ascetic, founded the area and carved out a 1300-year history as a sacred site of Shugendō (mountain asceticism). In Dorogawa, the Oni’s married couple Zenki (前鬼) and Goki (後鬼), believed to be Enno Gyōja's attendants, and their statues are solemnly guarded in the local Ryusenji Temple. Particularly, stories related to Goki have been passed down by the descendants of Goki and are still recounted in the lives of the people in Dorogawa. However, due to two major fires that occurred in the post-war period in this area, much was lost, and a large part of the materials that tell the history of this land no longer exists, leaving numerous mysteries unsolved.

    Why Oni and Storytelling?
    When considering the definition of "鬼" ('oni' in Japanese), the mythical creatures appearing in folktales often possess strong characteristics of supernatural beings or monsters. From a folkloric perspective, they symbolize things beyond human comprehension, the extraordinary, abilities beyond the ordinary, spirituality, and divinity. The term "鬼っ子" ('onikko') is also used to describe individuals who stand out or deviate from others, similar to "outlaws." Moreover, considering the connotation of being non-artificial, the essence of "鬼" lies in the very essence of natural and supernatural energies themselves.

    Why 9 artists? Why here? 
    9 of us met here in Dorogawa, and originally participated in the "OKUYAMATO MIND TRAIL Museum in your mind" event held in Tenkawa area in 2021. Enchanted by Dorogawa, we envisioned the Kukami Matsuri as a means to maintain their connection with the people of Dorogawa. Item description

谷川俊太郎 PRESENTS 九鬼祭 (くかみまつり) は、奈良県吉野郡天川村洞川 (どろがわ) にご縁をいただいた9名のアーティスト(上野千蔵 、覚 和歌子、金子未弥、菊池宏子、木村充伯、国本泰英、菅野麻依子、林敬庸、山田悠) と洞川地域で生活する創作パートナーと生み出した地域協創を主軸とした芸術祭でした。修験道の聖地として1300年の歴史を刻んできたこの地に残る役行者とその弟子「後鬼」にまつわる伝承からインスパイアされたオリジナルストーリー『九鬼物語』(文:覚 和歌子) をベースに企画の立案をし、洞川の豊かな文化を後世に継承し、また観光振興に貢献したいという想いを込めて企画・開催しました。


  • 後鬼の里、洞川について





    また、本企画は、2021年の「MIND TRAIL 奥大和 心のなかの美術館」天川村エリアに参加したアーティストたちが洞川に魅了され、洞川の人々との関わりを持ち続ける手段として九鬼祭を構想し、自主企画として立ち上げました。九人の「鬼」と洞川の人々が繰り広げるお祭りが、新たな伝統となり、洞川文化の伝承に貢献し、洞川エリアの観光促進に少しでも寄与できることを願うものです。


Dorogawa Spa Tourism Bureau

Tanikawa Shuntaro, Okuyamato Gastronomy Tourism in Dorogawa
谷川俊太郎, 奥大和ガストロノミーツーリズムin洞川

Kukami Matsuri Organizing Committee: TANIKAWA Shuntaro (Production), KAKU Wakako, KIKUCHI Hiroko (Concept-Making/Direction), YAMADA Haruka(Gastronomy-related Planning/Accounting), KANEKO Miya (Project Coordinator), KUNIMOTO Yasuhiro (Art Direction/Graphic Design), KIMURA Mitsunori (Web Production/Illustration), HAYASHI Takatsune (Technical Direction), UENO Senzo (Documentation), AKAI Masato (Local advisor/coordinator), MASUTANI Hideki (Advisor)
九鬼祭実行委員会: 谷川俊太郎 (プロデュース), 覚 和歌子, 菊池宏子 (企画構想/ディレクション), 山田悠 (食関連企画/経理) , 金子未弥 (プロジェクトコーディネート), 国本泰英 (アートディレクション/グラフィックデザイン), 木村充伯 (ウェブ制作/イラスト), 林敬庸 (テクニカルディレクション), 上野千蔵 (記録), 赤井正人 (Local 洞川コミュニティ相談役/コーディネート), 増谷英樹 (アドバイザー)

AZUMA Misaki, UENO Senzo, YAMADA Haruka
東美沙季, 上野千蔵, 山田悠
If you like to know about the credit for each photo, please contact me.)


For the full credit including Special Thanks, please visit the official website


Tsumugu Project | つむぐプロジェクト


Mindscapes | マインドスケープス東京