Photo by KIGURE Shinya
Artist / Born and based in Tokyo
Biography I 略歴
Hiroko is an interdisciplinary artist dedicated to exploring the boundary between art and everyday life, the role of the artist in society, and the diversification of what constitutes "art."
Her practice extends into roles as a consultant, educator, and program strategist, providing creative implementation and engagement-based strategic direction for/with arts and cultural institutions and leading educational and community-building programs. Her artistic discipline encompasses Fluxus-inspired performance art and interdisciplinary projects influenced by the 1960s avant-garde art movement.
After living and working in the U.S. for 20 years, she returned to Japan in 2011 to contribute to the recovery process following the Tohoku Earthquake by designing creative industry strategies to support grassroots reconstruction efforts. Since then, she has continued to develop projects based in Tokyo, Japan.
As a native Japanese speaker fully fluent in English, she operates effectively in international contexts and serves as a transnational expert with extensive experience in cross- and trans-cultural situations. Her network spans the sectors of art, community development, academia, and connections across Asia and the U.S.
Recognized with several prestigious awards including the Artadia Fund for Art and Dialogue First Prize (2007), the East Bay Community Foundation Award (2010), and nominations for the Institute of Contemporary Art Boston's ICA Prize (2006, 2008) and Art Matters (2008).
She holds an MFA degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Tufts University, in affiliation with the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, with a special focus on Performance Art and Social Practice (2001) and a BFA degree in Sculpture from Boston University (1999).
アーティスト。米国で20年間活動後、東日本大震災がきっけとなり2011年に帰国。東京を拠点に活動している。ボストン大学芸術学部彫刻科卒業(1999年)、タフツ大学大学院 美術学部(School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Tufts University)修士課程修了(2001年)。1960年代アメリカの前衛芸術運動やパフォーマンスアートの影響を受け、現代社会の「環境」や「状況」をテーマに多様な分野で活動を展開している。
2015年から2024年まで「見えないことを可視化する」をテーマにNPO法人インビジブルを共同設立・運営。Relight Project (2015 − 2018)、天昌堂プロジェクト (2016 − 2019)、PinSプロジェクト (2018 − 2024)、つむぐプロジェクト(2018 − 2024)、Mindscapes(2021 − 2023)、九鬼祭(2023)など、コミュニティーエンゲージメントを軸にしたプロジェクトを数多く展開。また、体験型の作品など多数発表している。
受賞歴には、Artadiaアワード大賞(2007年/NY)、East Bay Community Foundationアワード(2010年)、ボストン現代美術館ICA Prize(2006年、2008年)などがあり、台湾、ドイツ、オーストリアでフェローシップも受賞。著書に『へそ―社会を彫刻するすべての人へ』、『新コモンズ論―幸せなコミュニティをつくる八つの実践』、『キュレーションの現在—アートが「世界」を問い直す』、『センソリウム:身体経験、テクノロジーと現代アート』がある。
Artist Statement I 思い
Through art, I create frameworks for social and cultural transformation. My interdisciplinary practice explores "cultural resonance" – the profound connections and alienations within our surroundings – recognizing that art and life are inseparable forces that shape our collective experience.
My creative process begins with "What if?" This question drives me to develop participatory methodologies that engage the public both intellectually and emotionally, while leaving space for interpretation. By encouraging art-making as a form of thinking, I challenge people to move beyond passive observation into active creation and dialogue.
In an era where institutional success often demands predictability, I see a concerning trend toward "mechanical imagination" in public arts – where method and outcome overshadow meaning and lived experience. As cultural producers, we must instead be agents of change, pushing beyond secure conventions to imagine new possibilities for artistic engagement.
My work serves as both mirror and catalyst, reflecting our inner worlds while illuminating overlooked voices and memories. By questioning the boundaries between art and everyday life, I create dynamic spaces where diverse expressions can flourish and interact. Through this practice, I aim to foster subtle yet profound shifts in how we perceive, understand, and reimagine our shared reality.
Affiliations I 関わり