Online Articles I オンライン記事

アーティストは芸術祭への参加から何を得るのか。「SENSE ISLAND/LAND」トークレポート

文化やアートでメンタルヘルスを問い直す意義とは? 「マインドスケープス東京」の事例から 
文・座談会撮影: 中島良平/美術手帖 (2023年7月19日)
What is the Significance of Reexamining Mental Health through Culture and Art? A Case Study of Mindscapes Tokyo
Writing・Photo by Ryohei Nakajima/Bijututecho (July 19, 2023)

インタビュー: 榎本市子/TOKION (2023年6月16日)
Art Series ‘The Shape of Borders’ Vol. 13: The Challenges of Using ‘Invisible’ Art as a Catalyst for Shaping Society”
Interview: Ichico Enomoto/TOKION (June 16, 2023)


文・インタビュー: 唐川靖弘/PAPER SKY (2021年9月27日)
‘Playful Ants’ that Change the World: Making the Invisible Visible to Create Small Change that Reshapes Society”
Writing ・Interviewed by Yasuhiro Karakawa/PAPER SKY (September 27, 2021) 

インタビュー: 板谷由夏/朝日新聞•Bon Marche (2020年2月12日)
“Life Style” Interviewed by Yuka Itaya; published in print and online by Asahi Newspaper/Bon Marche (February 12, 2020) 

ふつうの仕組みを解体する-Creative Disruptions of Everyday Norms-
TOYOTA NetTAM (2020)
“Proposal 1 in 200,000: ‘Creative Disruptions of Everyday Norms’” essay contribution. Published by NetTAM, Toyota Art Management. (2020) 

文: 大庭典子/小学館•Precious (2019)
“N Women’s Social Action”
Writing & Interviewed by Noriko OniwaOctober issue, Precious•SHOGAKUKAN (2019)

Business Leader Square Wisdom•NEC (2019年9月26日)
“Have We Nurtured Creativity? Schools but Why We Don't ‘Teach’ It”
Business Leader Square Wisdom•NEC (September 26, 2019)

Talk Session Vol. 1. アート x 幼児教育の可能性
文・インタビュー: 山下久猛 写真: 大平晋也 /WAVE+(2015年6月)
Talk Session Vol. 1. The Potentials of Art x Early Childhood Education”
Writing: Hisatake Yamashita; published by WAVE+/Okamura, April. 2014. 

Interview Vol. 13. アートの力で生きた街を創る
文・インタビュー: 山下久猛 写真: 守谷美峰 /WAVE+(2014年4月)
“Interview Vol. 13. Creating a City Alive with the Power of Art”
Writing: Hisatake Yamashita; published by WAVE+/Okamura, April. 2014. 

Printed I 出版物

Here is a list of selected publications (printed) that are available for purchasing and/or downloading. E


へそ ─ 社会彫刻家基金による「社会」を彫刻する人のガイドブック
出版社:株式会社MOTION GALLERY/編集・構成・文:桜井 祐 (TISSUE Inc.)/ブックデザイン:大西 隆介、沼本 明希子 (direction Q) / 写真:池田 宏、丸尾 隆一 (2021)

Multiple Elementary” exhibition catalogue.
Edited by Helen Reed and Hannah Jickling; published by YYZBOOKS & Black Dog Publishing, London UK. (2017)

出版社:中央大学出版部; 初版 (2016/3/30)/細野 助博 (編集), 風見 正三 (編集), 保井 美樹 (編集)/発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2016/3/30
"Chapter 4: Art and Commons – Community Engagement through Contemporary Art in American Society,” New Commons Theory. Co-authored and edited by Takehiro Hosono, Shozo Kazami, Miki Yasui; published by Chuo University Press. (2016)


出版社:フィルムアート社/フィルムアート社編集部/発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2015年2月26日

Feast: Radical Hospitality in Contemporary Art exhibition catalogue.
Edited by Stephanie Smith; published by Smart Museum Of Art, The University Of C; 1st edition. (2013)

“Better Living through Bitter Melon: A Manual” artist catalogue.
Edited by and produced by the National Bitter Melon Council; funded by LEF Foundation. (2010)

“The National Bitter Melon Council“ essay contribution. decentre: concerning artist-run culture/a propose de centres de’artistes.” Edited by Elaine Chang, Andres Laionde, Chris Lloyd, Steve Loft, Jonathan Middleton, Daniel Roy, Haema Sivanesan; published by YYZBooks, Toronto, Canada. (2008)

“Umami” essay contribution for Sensorium: Embodied Experience, Technology, and Contemporary Art.
Edited by Caroline A. Jones; published by MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2006)

"The Arts Administrator's Sketchbook" exhibition catalogue.
Published by The Green Lantern Press, Chicago, IL (2006)