National Bitter Melon Council


2004 – 2024

Tokyo, USA, Canada, Taiwan and so on
Invisible Playcity, Roppongi Art Night 2018, Tokyo (2018); The Way Things Go: A Special Curatorial Project With Rirkrit Tiravanija, Yerba Buena Center for the   Arts, San Francisco, CA (2015), “Manual,” Feast: Radical Hospitality in Contemporary Art, Traveling Exhibition, SMART Museum of Art, Chicago, IL (2012-14), "Untitled." A commissioned project, AKA Gallery, Saskatoon, SK, Canada (2011), A Sensory Feast, SOMArts Cultural Center & Kearny Street Workshop, San Francisco, CA (2010), “Promiscuous Production: Breeding is Bittersweet” EATLACMA, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA (2010), "Better Living through Bitterness," The West Front, Vancouver, BC (2007), and others.

Co-Founding Artist

Andi Sutton, Jeremy Chi-Ming Liu, Misa Saburi

Bitter Melon, 苦瓜, ゴーヤ, Curatorial and Social Practice, Community Engagement, Public Art, Bitterness, 苦味, Emotion, 感情, Community Making,
CSA, 地域資源型農業, Food and Culture, 食文化, Discrimination, 差別, Diabetes, 糖尿病, 苦食


The National Bitter Melon Council (NBMC) is a social practice framed as a produce promotional board with the motto: "Better Living through Bitter Melon." It is devoted to cultivating a vibrant, diverse community through the promotion and distribution of this unfamiliar bitter melon. The project asks, “What is the taste and sentiment of bitterness?” Using the concept of bitterness as both a flavor and an emotion, the NBMC instigates situations that create an alternative basis for community.

Utilizing bitter melon as a medium, the project develops initiatives within existing social systems such as food, agriculture/CSA, (urban) homeopathy, community gardens, guerrilla gardening, and more. Through the lens of contemporary art, activities include product development, recipe creation, mapping existing bitter stories as 'Bitterness Market Research,' and utilizing mascots for persona formation. Incorporating elements of action observation from racial and gender perspectives, the NBMC spreads awareness about bitterness.

  • We seek differences and use, adopt, and adapt them to create a common experience and community.  Indeed, we believe a sense of foreignness or otherness can create a community. From a phylogenetic perspective, bitter compounds in plants evolved as a defense against consumption by animals; in fact, amongst most mammals, Homo sapiens are the only ones to have developed an appreciation of bitterness, e.g. coffee, tea, and chocolate. Therefore, the appreciation of bitterness, the cultivation of a palette for bitterness across cultural-historical and ontogenetic timelines is the very thing that defines us as humans!

    Additionally, artworks embodying the "NBMC Manual" toured five museums across the United States from 2012 to 2015. In the exhibition "Food and Kitchen Circulation and Anthropology" curated by Licklit Tilabani, preserved foods were created (recipe development) using tastes, cooking methods, and algorithms conceptualized with nutritionists and homeopaths, encapsulating the bitter memories of interviewees (2015). Furthermore, the project "Breeding is Bittersweet" involved collaboration between architectural teams, local residents, and students to create a community garden in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art using bamboo, producing an editioned item packaged as "Bittersweet Melon" from the new species harvested during workshops.

    Originally the National Bitter Melon Council was conceived for "Sifting the Inner Belt" which was a year-long experimental research and participatory project that closely observed and examined i.e. sift, Boston’s South End neighborhood, with an emphasis of creating emotional, conceptual, and physical bridges between the Boston Center for the Arts (BCA) and the Berkeley Community Garden (BCG).

    The South End district of Boston, USA, faced gentrification issues. Originating from the cessation of urban redevelopment circular construction in the 1970s, immigrants occupied vacant land, utilizing it as a vegetable garden to reminisce about hometown flavors and cultures. In 1991, this community garden (CG) was formalized, and officially entrusted by the city to its current state. Recognizing the high production rate of bitter melon, the project juxtaposes the "bitter memories" of the past and present collected from local residents, contemplating the essence of bitterness.

苦瓜推進協議会 (National Bitter Melon Council) は、「苦瓜を通じてより良い暮らしを (Better Living Through Bitter Melon)」をモットーに、苦瓜 (ゴーヤ)を象徴的なメディアとし、苦い (Bitter) 感情と味覚について探求するプロジェクトです。

「苦み」について推進する協議会というペルソナのもと、食、 地域資源型農業/CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)、同種療法 (Homeopathy)、コミュニティガーデン、ゲリラガーデニングなどのさまざまな社会的システムに対する代替案を促すような挑戦的な取り組みを展開してきました。具体的な実践として、商品やレシピの開発、「苦み市場調査」と称して人々の苦い体験・思いを収集する活動、苦瓜推進協議会らしいペルソナ (公的人格) やイメージの構築を目指し、苦瓜マスコットの行動観察 (人種やジェンダーの視点) を手段とするなど、ユーモアを大切にしながら「苦さ」についての解釈や認識を普及する活動をアートプロジェクトとして実施してきました。

  • さらに、2008年に制作されたNBMCの活動や指針をまとめたアートブック「マニュアル」の内容を反映した企画が、2012年から2015年にかけて全米5カ所の美術館を巡回。リクリット・ティラバ二企画の「食やキッチンの流通と人類学」の展覧会では、 栄養士や同質療法師と構想した味覚と調理法・アルゴリズムを活用し、インタビューを受けた人々の苦い思い出・物語をもとにレシピ化した保存食「つけもの」を作品を発表 (2015)。また「異繁殖:ほろ苦い」と題した企画では、建築チームと地域の住民や学生と共に、 ロサンザルス群美術館の敷地内の竹を使用して、ゴーヤ(苦)とメロン(甘)を交配し新種のメロン(Melon)を繁殖するコミュニティガーデンを制作しました、このプロジェクトでは、ワークショップで採取した新種「ほろ苦メロン」をパッケージ化したエディション限定の作品も制作しました。

    米国ボストンSouth Endはジェントリフィケーション問題を抱えた地区として課題を抱えていました。70 年代の都市再開発環状線建設の中止がきっかけとなり、移民たちが空き地化 した場を占拠、故郷の味や文化を思い出す青果物を育てる菜園として活用がスタート。91 年には、このコミュニティガーデンが組織化し、正式に市から土地信託され現在に至ります。2006年に開催した企画「都市を篩にかけたとき」の作品の一つであった苦瓜推進協議会の活動は、このコミュニティガーデンでの苦瓜生産率が高かったこと (=アジア系移民に関する理解の糸口に) に着目し、地域住民から集まった昔と現状に対する「苦い思い」と重ね、苦味= Bitterness の本質について考えるプロジェクトを発想したことプロジェクトの出発でした。



Fallen Fruit (David Allen Burns, Matias Viegener, and Austin Young), Jose Luis Blondet, Laura Donaldson, Rirkrit Tiravanija, inVisible, Sifting the Inner Belt, and many more!!!

Lora Hall, Shawn Ta, KIGURE Shinya/木暮伸也, the National Bitter Melon Council

If you like to know about the credit for each photo and/or for this project, please contact me.


Relight Committee


Tenshodo Project | 天昌堂プロジェクト