City Intervention Piece
December, 2004 – June, 2005
Boston South End area, Berkeley Street Community Garden, Boston Center for the Arts, SoWA First Fridays
Jeremy Chan Peng Chu, Catherine D’lgnazio, William H.Ho, Jeremy Chi-Ming Liu, Natalie Loveless, Kim Szeto, Andi Sutton
City Intervention Piece (aka Bridging Performances),” comprised a series of 8 Performance Interventions developed as part of the "Sifting the Inner Belt" project in Boston's South End area. With the neighborhood undergoing gentrification and experiencing significant changes, project artists assumed the role of researchers, employing a set of instructions to navigate the city, intervene, and conduct research.
Each month, we embarked on explorations throughout the city, engaging in various actions guided by these instructions. These interventions ranged from spontaneous performances to interactive installations, each aimed at uncovering qualitative insights and understanding the evolving character of the neighborhood. Our findings, often expressed through abstract forms or words, contributed to a collective understanding of the city's complexities.
The culmination of our efforts was a final exhibition where our research methodologies and discoveries were presented. This socially and creatively engaged approach revitalized the concept of experimental research, bridging the gap between art and academia, and deepened our understanding of urban landscapes and community dynamics.
「都市を篩にかけたとき(Sifting the Inner Belt)」の一環として実施し、活動拠点であったボストン・サウスエンド地区の変容、そして水面下に潜む人々の思いが、より具体的に可視化される活動になりました。これらの実験的な試みから見えたリサーチ結果(表現) は、最終的に活動報告会・展覧会で発表されました。
Date: Dec. 3, 2004
Time: 6–8PMInstruction:
SiftingAsk passersby to translate one of the following words into any other language.
Make an archive from the words they give you.
Try to get each word translated at least once.
Entry: grow
Function: verb
Definition: evolve
Synonyms: abound, advance, age, amplify, arise, augment, become, branch out, breed, build, burgeon, burst forth, come, cultivate, develop, dilate, enlarge, expand, extend, fill out, flourish, gain, germinate, get, get bigger, get taller, heighten, increase, issue, luxuriate, maturate, mature, mount, multiply, originate, pop up, produce, propagate, pullulate, raise, ripen, rise, shoot, spread, spring up, sprout, stem, stretch, swell, thicken, thrive, turn, vegetate, wax, widenSource: Roget's New MillenniumT Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
The word "sift" was often used as a verb to describe converting code from one language to another. Sammet 1969, p.153.
Date: Jan. 7, 2005
Time: 6–8PMInstruction:
FallowWith a bucket of nuts (unshelled) and a hammer, Smash one nut after another in a line starting from the Boston Center for the Arts and ending at either the Berkeley Street Community Garden or the South Washington/Thayer Street galleries (or in the reverse direction).
Spacing between nuts is up to each performer. The type of nut is up to each performer. Size of the hammer is up to each performer.
Date: Feb. 4, 2005
Time: 6–8PMInstruction:
Mark the height
Collect heights from everyone walking by and entering the Mills Gallery on Feb. 4, 2005 -
Date: March 4, 2005
Time: 6–8PMInstruction:
Pause -
Date: April 1, 2005
Time: 6 -8PMInstruction:
SproutDeseed the fruits and vegetables with bare hands
Clean, dry, and separate each seed
Give them out to people -
Date: May 6, 2005
Time: 6–8PMInstruction:
ShadeMeasuring shade.
Approximately how much shade are you producing?Materials: measuring tape, sidewalk chalk, calculator.
Using the measuring tape, measure the height of the object (or person), and the length and width of the shadow itself. Plug values into the formula: (length x height x width)/2 = volume of shade]. Using chalk on the side walk or a calculator determine the volume of shade produced. if desired, record data on a separate sheet of paper.
Date: June 3, 2005
Time: 6–8PMInstruction:
ZoneDemarcate your own "Empowerment Zone"*
*"In December 1994, Boston was designated an Enhanced Enterprise Community (EEC) and awarded $44 million by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in loans and grants to promote economic development. The City also received $2.95 million to support human services. By 1999, the EEC created or expanded zone-based businesses; extended childcare services to 1,240 children; and provided education, information and training to 1,000 adults. In addition, 60% of the many new industrial, health care, office, retail and hotel jobs created through EEC funding went to EEC residents.
In January 1999, Boston was designated an Empowerment Zone (EZ) by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Empowerment Zone designation carries a100 million dollar award over a 10-year period. The Zone includes 57,640 residents (1990 Census), covers 5.8 square miles, and extends over sections of downtown, Chinatown, Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, Mission Hill, Roxbury, the Seaport District, South Boston, and the South End. The goal of the EZ is to generate economic self-sufficiency for individuals, families, and communities through job creation and human development.
Date: July 1, 2005
Time: 6–8PMInstruction:
TurnChoose someone on the street to follow.
Follow them until they turn.
日付: 2024年12月3日
時間: 午後6-8時Instruction:
篩 (ふるい) にかける歩行者に下記から単語を訳してもらう
最低でも1回、すべての言葉の訳を試みるEntry: grow
Function: verb
Definition: evolve
Synonyms: abound, advance, age, amplify, arise, augment, become, branch out, breed, build, burgeon, burst forth, come, cultivate, develop, dilate, enlarge, expand, extend, fill out, flourish, gain, germinate, get, get bigger, get taller, heighten, increase, issue, luxuriate, maturate, mature, mount, multiply, originate, pop up, produce, propagate, pullulate, raise, ripen, rise, shoot, spread, spring up, sprout, stem, stretch, swell, thicken, thrive, turn, vegetate, wax, widenSource: Roget's New MillenniumT Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)
「ふるい分ける」という言葉は、ある言語から別の言語へコードを変換することを表す動詞としてよく使われていました。サメット 1969, p.153.
日付: 2025年1月7日
時間: 午後6-8時Instruction:
[土地を] 休ませる殻付きのナッツが詰まったバケツとハンマーを用意する。ボストンアーツセンターからバークレーコミュニティガーデンまで、ナッツを一粒一粒を潰しながらつなぐ。
日付: 2025年2月4日
時間: 午後6-8時Instruction:
2025年2月4日にミルズギャラリーに入る人や通り過ぎる人の身長を収集する -
日付: 2025年2月4日
時間: 午後6-8時Instruction:
休止する -
日付: 2025年4月1日
時間: 午後6-8時Instruction:
それらを人々に配る -
日付: 2025年5月6日
時間: 午後6-8時Instruction:
あなたが思うかげを素材: テープメジャー, チョーク, 電卓
メジャーテープを使って、対象物 (または人) の高さとかげの長さと幅を測る。次に、以下の式に値を代入する: (長さ × 高さ × 幅)/2 = 影の体積。舗装された歩道にチョークを使うか、電卓を使って、作られた影の体積を計算する。必要なら、データを別の紙に記録する。 -
日付: 2025年6月3日
時間: 午後6-8時Instruction:
素材: 地図, 筆記用具
*「1994年12月、ボストンは経済発展を促進するために米国住宅都市開発省(HUD) から4400万ドルの融資と助成金を受け、拡張型企業コミュニティ (EEC)に指定されました。また、市は人間サービスを支援する295万ドルを受け取りました。1999年までに、EECはゾーンベースの事業を創設または拡大し、1,240人の子供に保育サービスを提供し、1,000人の大人に教育、情報、および訓練を提供しました。さらに、EECの資金提供によって創出された多くの新しい産業、医療、オフィス、小売り、ホテルの仕事のうち、60%がEECの住民に与えられました。1999年1月、ボストンは米国住宅都市開発省によってエンパワーメントゾーン(EZ) に指定されました。エンパワーメントゾーン指定は、10年間で1億ドルの賞金が授与されます。ゾーンには57,640人の住民 (1990年国勢調査)、5.8平方マイルの範囲が含まれ、ダウンタウン、チャイナタウン、ドーチェスター、ジャマイカプレーン、ミッションヒル、ロックスベリー、シーポート地区、サウスボストン、サウスエンドの一部が含まれます。EZの目標は、雇用創出と人間の発展を通じて個人、家族、地域社会の経済的自立を促進することです。
日付: 2025年6月3日
時間: 午後6-8時Instruction:
LEF Foundation, Weekly Dig (Media Sponsor)
Boston Center for the Arts, SoWA First Fridays, Amy Cheung
Sifting the Inner Belt
If you have any questions, please contact me!