For many years, I've been creating small collages by cutting out pictures from catalogs of building materials, moving supplies, and public signage—these are also my favorite reading materials. My collages serve as a visual diary, capturing my daily observations, encounters with people from various projects, unrealized ideas, and emotions that defy verbal expression.

  • When I look at the "materials" in these catalogs, I get excited as I imagine how people might use them in real life! Most of the pieces are about the size of a palm, and I create them by cutting out materials and combining them with tweezers and a magnifying glass. These are some of my works from over 20 years, so please take a look!


  • 私はカタログにある「素材」を見ていると、人々が街で使っている様子が頭に浮かび、本当にワクワクします。作品のほとんどは手のひらほどのサイズで、素材を切り取り、ピンセットや虫めがねを使いながらそれらの素材を組み合わせ制作しています。20年以上続けている活動の一部ですが、ぜひご覧ください!

These art pieces are available for purchase.
Feel free to contact me!